DataMaster Paper Weight Conversion Chart

The conversion table is based on technical data tempered by figures carried from print manufacturer's marketing materials. The intention is to provide an easy-to-read chart to help DMO users to search DMO more effectively. Some figures have been rounded for ease of use.

Bond Ledger (lbs.) Cover (lbs.) Index (lbs.) grams per m² or gsm
11 40
13 50
14 52
16 22 33 60
18 24 37 68
20 28 42 75
21* 30* 44* 80
24 33 50 90
28 39 58 105
29 40 60 109
31 43 65 116
32 44 67 120
35 48 74 132
36 50 75 135
39 54 81 147
40 56 83 151
43 60 90 162
44 61 92 166
47 65 97 177
53 74 110 199
54 75 113 203
58 80 120 216
65 90 135 245
67 93 140 252
68 95 142 256
72 100 150 271
76 105 158 286
80 110 167 300
82 114 170 309
87 116 180 312
93 130 194 350
105 142 220 385

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DMO is a one-stop shop for all the information you need. It is a vital tool for business managers and sales warriors. 
DMO is easy to use and the information is presented in the same way throughout: no more hunting around in competitors' marketing documents. 
DMO adds value to sales approaches with expert analysis, full sales arguments - and test results from our own independent laboratory. 
DMO helps you keep the conversation on your strengths, not just price. 
Using DMO turns box shifters into real Business Consultants.

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